Ancestral Lineage Healing
“We inherit what our parents couldn’t heal.”
Is it nature or nurture? This is an age old question. What impacts us more; what we’re given to begin this life with, in terms of genes or how we are raised and the conditions of our childhood?
The answer usually lies somewhere in the middle. We recognise how important family and culture are to our development as human beings. Our family and culture impact us in both positive and negative ways, passing on gifts and talents as well as wounding and trauma in a blend of both nature and nurture.
Unfortunately there is often a lot that our ancestors couldn’t heal, which becomes our inheritance. Many of our ancestors experienced the horror of war, were immigrants, experienced poverty, social injustice, racial and other types of violence.
So our challenge is immense – not only do we have our own personal issues to resolve, but each of us is given a particular cocktail of cultural and family wounding. We’re not given a clean slate, but come into life already burdened.
However, when this ancestral wounding is healed, the healing happens not only for us individually, but actually helps to heal our entire ancestral line. This has been known in shamanic traditions all over the world, and is just being understood within the context of western psychotherapy. By healing ourselves we can help to heal our family. By healing our family we can help to heal our culture. By healing our culture we can help to heal the planet. This work is not easy, but it is powerful.
We invite you to join us for this process of self-discovery by working with ancestry. It will be a powerful opportunity to not only get to know yourself better, and find appreciation for your roots, but to experience integration, healing and wholing.
This work will be supported by an invitation to our ongoing ‘Inner Work Group’, meeting biweekly to deeply explore one’s triggers, wounding and experiences, resulting in deeper compassion, presence and connection with Essence, and Love.
This 3 hour workshop will explore:
- Exploring cultural wounding such as sexism, gender roles, and institutionalized violence
- Unearthing family burdens around grief, depression, war and other trauma
- Shamanic journeying to discover & clear legacy burdens in your ancestral lineage
- Freeing yourself and your lineage from family karma
- Making our personal relationship with the planet conscious and free of ancestral conditioning
- Establishing relationships with ancestor guides
- Unlocking latent inherited gifts and talents
- Breaking unwanted/un-needed energetic ties with ancestral lineages
- Supporting the process of Individuation
- Healing ourselves, our families and our planet
- How the current state of the planet is a consequence of unhealed wounding
- Connecting with the ancestors of the original custodians of this land and making our history and relationship with them conscious